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 找到约 4 条 “Prostaglandin B1” 相关结果 (用时 0.119 秒)

目录号 产品名称 中文名称 靶点
M41911 Prostaglandin B1 Prostaglandin B1 Prostaglandin Receptor
Prostaglandin B1 (PGB1) 是 Prostaglandin E1 的代谢产物。
M10499 FPL 62064 FPL 62064 Lipoxygenase
FPL 62064 是一种有效的 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) 和 prostaglandin synthetase (cyclooxygenase, COX) 的双重抑制剂,它对RBL-1 胞质 5-脂氧合酶和前列腺素合成酶prostaglandin synthetase的IC50值分别为3.5 μM和3.1 μM。
M20536 Setipiprant (ACT-129968, KYTH-105) Setipiprant (ACT-129968, KYTH-105) Immunology/Inflammation
Setipiprant(ACT-129968, KYTH-105) is a selective, orally available antagonist of the prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 (DP2) that that has been shown to have greater specificity for DP2 (CRTH2) than for DP1.
M21029 MRE-269(ACT-333679) MRE-269(ACT-333679) Immunology/Inflammation
MRE-269(ACT-333679) is a prostaglandin I2 (IP) receptor agonist with a binding affinity for the human IP receptor that is 130-fold greater than that for other human prostanoid receptor.



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